To start off here are some links:
Wikipedia entry - this is a pretty good starting point.
An ecology of mind - Bateson's daughter Nora made a film about her father. There is a lovely trailer here
the Oikos page - with some great reading including excerpts from Mind & Nature and Angels Fear
the Edge page - which has Bateson's own contribution to Brockman's book 'About Bateson' which finishes with this paragraph...
I am suggesting to you that all the multiple insults, the double binds and invasions that we all experience in life, the impact (to use an inappropriate physical word) whereby experience corrupts our epistemology, challenging the core of our existence, and thereby seducing us into a false cult of the ego—what I am suggesting is that the process whereby double binds and other traumas teach us a false epistemology is already well advanced in most occidentals and perhaps most orientals, and that those whom we call "schizophrenics" are those in whom the endless kicking against the pricks has become intolerable.
The institute for intercultural studies page with an excellent bibliography
Form, Substance and Difference (on by Bateson
From Steps to an Ecology of Mind, 1972, Chandler Publishing Co.; Balantine Books, a division of Random House, New York.
Links to Laurence Bales essays
Territories of the alive - a film by Chris Kinman
The Rhizome Network, is a place of connection. For years there have been many individuals in the human services fields (therapy, psychiatry, medicine, health-care, education, social work, etc.) / in the arts and sciences / as well as concerned and thinking citizens who do not choose to be connected to a professional identity who have challenged the individualism and internalization of the status-quo.
The Internet Archive holds some audio tracks of Bateson delivering lectures and copies of 'Perceval's Narrative' and 'Naven'.